Hornsby Dentist

Everyone wants to have whiter teeth. It’s a symbol of beauty and success and will definitely give you confidence when you smile. Most of us want to achieve that Hollywood celebrity smile and those perfectly pearly white teeth.

Because of that, there are ways to have your teeth whiten and one of which is you whiten your teeth at home with your dentist’s prescription. But there are different kinds of teeth whitening products in the market today that you can buy.

There are whitening strips, whitening toothpaste, teeth whitening or bleaching kits and some use activated charcoals. This may take time and discipline because you have to use it at a certain time to achieve that beautiful white smile.Professional teeth whitening Hornsby

Professional teeth whitening in Hornsby has been around for years. If you truly have an inability to find time or patience for at home treatment or if you need an immediate result because you have a wedding or any event to attend to then you can have it done professionally with the dentist here at Hornsby Dental or what we call an in office teeth whitening.

Professional teeth whitening prices are more expensive compare to those take home teeth whitening kits due to its immediate result and if something went wrong or if the treatment isn’t working, your dentist can rectify the problem.

Although, teeth whitening Sydney is safe and proven not harmful to your mouth, there are some factors that you might consider. This procedure will cause sensitivity on your teeth.

So if you have sensitive teeth to begin with chances are you will feel more discomfort in your mouth.

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Worth It?

Absolutely! The results are night and day comparing to your natural teeth. It may not be as dramatic as veneers do, there will be a very noticeable improvement after you are done with your teeth whitening appointment.

Is Professional Teeth Whitening Permanent?

Teeth whitening are not permanent. The whitening result can last up to 3 years depending on the patient’s oral hygiene. It varies from person to person. If you smoke cigarette, drink coffee or tea chances are the effects won’t last that long.




04 Jun, 2011

Restorative Dentistry

The Restorative Phase – In this phase, all teeth that need work done to them will be treated so no cavities remain, teeth are clean and healthy and stable. The… Read More
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