Hornsby Dentist

Does your tooth hurt? Is your smile broken? Does your teeth cry for a cosmetic dentist Hornsby but your wallet tells you no? Before going to the dentist you may typically want to know one thing, how much does it cost to have perfect teeth?

This is the first question every patient asks before fixing any dental imperfections that they have. There are dental services that do not have to be expensive and does not have to be unpleasant.

Here are some affordable cosmetic dentistry options to get your perfect smile back.

So how much is cosmetic dentistry? Cosmetic dentistry prices in Hornsby ranges from $400 to $9000 depending on the complexity of treatment and how willing the patient to undergo a major change to obtain that perfect smile. Many cosmetic dentists will recommend Dental Veneers to achieve those perfectly pearly white teeth.

At Hornsby Dental, composite veneers cost $695 each and porcelain veneers cost $1,400 each (for 6 or more veneers) and $1,800 each (for less than 6 veneers). For orthodontic treatment you can have Invisalign from $4300 for minor treatments and $7790 for full treatment.

In-Office Teeth Whitening cost $449 per session. Crowns cost $1650 to $1795 depending on the material of the crown. Dental implants cost $5199 each.

Majority of these procedures are permanent and cannot be undone. You have to make sure that you are fully aware and you fully understand these treatments so you will not regret them later on.Affordable cosmetic dentistry options in Hornsby

It is best to do some research to know the side effects of each treatment. Some of the things that you need to consider before proceeding with those treatments are tooth reduction, thinner natural teeth and tooth sensitivity.

Cosmetic dentistry is a specific field that strives to improve and achieve the natural appearance of the teeth for a beautiful smile. There are many cosmetic dentistry services available to choose from depending on your preference and dental condition.

Your dentist will provide you the information and treatment that works best in transforming your winning smile.



Hornsby Dental

14 May, 2011

Cracked Teeth

A chipped or broken tooth can be saved and repaired to look and feel like the real thing – and perhaps even better! When a tooth gets chipped or fractured,… Read More
20 Oct, 2011

White Colour Fillings

At Hornsby Dental | Hornsby Dentist, we offer tooth-colored dental fillings and dental restorations as our main restorative options, whenever possible. The advance of minimally invasive dental technologies and improved… Read More
05 Nov, 2011

Children’s teeth

Children's Teeth Did you know, children start getting their permanent teeth as young as the age of 6? Once these permanent teeth are decayed there is no 3rd set of… Read More